Liquidity Zap
Staking liquidity can be hard for some users, and most would like to stake for the higher returns offered on such a stake. With zap functions, you can stake either ETH, DeFi, or both, and do it all in one transaction.
Zapping ETH
Providing liquidity with spare ETH that you may have laying around in dust wallets has never been easier. For higher returns and in a sustainable project, this is a no-brainer! All you have to do is enter the amount of BNB that you would like to use/stake, and the rest is handled in our contract. After zapping your ETH, an LP stake NFT is provided just like if you were to stake LP tokens.
Zapping DeFi.
If you have DeFi, you can stake it with the same returns as LP staking, and not have to provide ETH or anything! Reap the same rewards as the liquidity staking yield, without the noise. Simply zap your DeFi, and an LP stake NFT is provided just like if you were to stake LP tokens.
Zapping DeFi + ETH
If you have both spare ETH and DeFi tokens, you can zap both of them together and instantly be an LP staker. The same principal applies to zapping both alone, an LP stake NFT is provided.
To prevent abuse of the taxless zap, an obligatory lockup period is required.
Last updated